dario pagliaricci . aves raras
Buscamos a diario nuestras “aves extrañas”, rarezas que nos transportan a otro plano, fuera de lo ordinario. En nuestros actos creativos necesitamos de alguna manera aprehender lo inusual, lo exótico, lo inasible. Emprendemos esta tarea alumbrando nuestro camino mediante destellos de intuición y genio, desplazándonos a tientas entre la maraña de pensamientos y obsesiones que nos impulsan a crear y eventualmente mutar nosotros mismos en aves raras, desarrollando una visión única, singular y extraordinaria del mundo cotidiano en el cual estamos insertos.
Aves Raras orbita en torno a una idea o concepto central. La misma surge a partir del término de origen latino “rara avis”. De tal modo, este disparador induce resultados creativos vinculados conceptualmente. Híbrido en donde conviven y se fusionan diversos géneros emparentados entre sí, tales como la Música Concreta, Electrónica y Electroacústica, Aves Raras plantea un desafío perceptual, nos interpela como oyentes.
Rara Avis: Lat. "Strange bird". amb. coloq. Person or thing, regarded as a singular exception to any rule. Refers to a person or thing that is hard to find. It is used in the sense of unusual or extraordinary.
We are seeking, in daily basis, our "strange birds", oddities that transport us to another level, out of the ordinary. In our creative acts we need to somehow grasp the unusual, the exotic, the unattainable. We undertake this task lighting our way through flashes of insight and genius, moving blindly through the tangle of thoughts and obsessions that drive us to create and eventually mutate ourselves in rare birds, developing a unique vision, singular and extraordinary in the world which we operate.
Aves Raras (Rare Birds) orbit around an idea or central concept. It arises from the term "rara avis". Thus, these words trigger creative results which are bonded in a conceptual level. Hybrid Music in which various related genres, such as concrete, electronic and electroacoustic music, live and fuse together, Aves Raras poses a perceptual dare and challenges us as listeners.
Dario Pagliaricci . Aves Raras . avesraras04
Technical Data
Music and master by Dario Pagliaricci
License: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/2.5/ar/
Cover art by Guillermo Mena
Cat.Nº dca004 . february 2012
Compositor argentino, radicado en Río Cuarto, Córdoba. Es licenciado en composición musical, egresado de la U.N.C. Enfoca su labor creativa a la composición con nuevos medios, obras multimediales, instalaciones sonoras y arte interactivo utilizando variadas interfaces físicas y programación de algoritmos.
Argentinian composer, he is based in Rio Cuarto, Córdoba. He focuses his creative work in the composition with new media, multimedia works, sound installations and interactive art by means of various physical interfaces and algorithms programming.
+ info http://www.myspace.com/averaras
Argentinian composer, he is based in Rio Cuarto, Córdoba. He focuses his creative work in the composition with new media, multimedia works, sound installations and interactive art by means of various physical interfaces and algorithms programming.
+ info http://www.myspace.com/averaras
E-mail: info@deptorec.com.ar
Web: www.deptorec.com.ar . www.myspace.com/deptorec . http://soundcloud.com/deptorec
E-mail: info@deptorec.com.ar
Web: www.deptorec.com.ar . www.myspace.com/deptorec . http://soundcloud.com/deptorec
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